Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Resources


All students are assigned a RMCAD Google Suite user account, which includes an email for the student. Official college communication is conducted via the RMCAD email system, and students are required to check, and use their RMCAD email account regularly. RMCAD email is accessible at gmail.rmcad.edu, or from gmail.com with the full username and domain included.

Each student is included in the appropriate email groups to get modality and degree program-specific correspondence. Email addresses are the first name, a period, and the complete last name up to 20 characters in total. The only exception to this would be in cases that would result in duplication. Students should not correspond with faculty or administration using email accounts other than RMCAD’s @rmcad.edu account.

Students should not ever give out a username or password via email. The RMCAD IT Department will never ask for this information via email. Students who are unable to use or are not receiving RMCAD email should contact the RMCADGO or TECHBAR support teams immediately (contact information can be found under College Resources). RMCAD reserves the right to monitor emails for troubleshooting and violations of College policy, and by request from law enforcement.

Student Identification

On-Campus Student Identification

All enrolled on-campus students are issued a RMCAD student identification (ID) card. In order to maintain a safe and secure campus environment, all students must retain their student ID throughout their enrollment. Student ID cards are used for door access on campus. Students may be requested to show their ID by College Agents. Photographs for student ID cards are initially taken during New Student Orientation and students are expected to retain the card for the duration of their enrollment at the College. On-campus students should expect a $10 replacement fee for new ID cards, which may be ordered through the TECHBAR. At the start of each academic term in which they are enrolled, students must obtain a validation decal from the TECHBAR to be affixed to the ID card. Students in financial arrears with the College may be denied the validation decal, and subsequently, the privileges and access associated with the student ID card. A valid student ID card is necessary to access campus buildings, check out technology materials from the TECHBAR, and check out books or other materials from the Library/Resource Center. Additionally, several art supplies stores, museums, sporting venues, movie theaters, and other businesses offer reduced rates or discounts for individuals presenting a valid student ID card.

Online Student Identification

(updated 12/22/2021)

For Online-only attending RMCAD students, requests for a student ID card must be submitted to RMCADGO  at rmcadgo@rmcad.edu or by phone at 1-888-RMCAD-GO (1-888-762-2346). The request must include submission of a recent photo clearly showing the student’s face, as well as a current mailing address to receive the card once it’s printed. Student ID card requests will take approximately one week to be printed and shipped from the date of the initial request.

Verification of Student Identity in Online Learning

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design operates in compliance with the provisions of the United States Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) concerning the verification of student identity in distance education.

All credit-bearing courses and programs offered through distance education methods must verify that the student who registers for a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives academic credit. According to the HEOA, one or more of the following methods must be used:

  • An individual secure login and password issued by the College
  • Proctored examinations, and/or
  • Other technologies or practices that are effective in verifying student identification. (These practices include phone/Digital Meeting check-ins and portfolio review sessions.)

Any online student work, assessments or activities that are graded or contribute to a student’s grade must be submitted via a system that verifies the student’s identity as noted above. Students submit their work via the College’s secure Learning Management System (LMS).

Please note: There is currently no fee associated with the verification of student identity. Any future fees will be indicated in the Catalog or Addendum and in the Tuition and Fees  section of this catalog.

Secure Login + Password
Each RMCAD student is assigned a unique username and password to log into the College’s learning management system. Students are responsible for providing their complete and true identity information in any identification verification process.

Students are required to use their individual username and password to access the LMS and must protect the confidentiality of their username and password. Students are responsible for all transactions that occur under their username. Students are prohibited by College policy from the following activities:

  • Soliciting login information or accessing someone else’s account on the LMS
  • Signing into the LMS using anything other than their own official RMCAD credentials
  • Providing their log-on information to any other individual, or allowing any other individual to post to the site under the student’s log-in

As technology and personal accountability are not absolute in determining a student’s identity, the responsibility of maintaining integrity is shared across several departments. Faculty teaching courses through distance education methods are responsible for using assignments and evaluations that support academic integrity and by requiring students to submit assignments using the college’s secure LMS. The IT department holds responsibility by providing industry-standard mechanisms for assigning usernames and password systems, maintaining systems security, and investigating unusual user activity. All faculty and staff are responsible for reporting any suspected infractions to the Department Chair, IT Director, Dean of Students, or Senior VP of Academic Affairs.

Failure of students to comply with this agreement/policy will be addressed through the College’s Policy on Academic Integrity  and the Conduct System as noted in the College’s Code of Conduct . If warranted, a student’s failure to comply will result in termination of access to College technology resources. Failure to comply may also be a violation of civil/criminal law and may cause the violator to be subject to applicable penalties.

The Student Portal

Initial registration is required. Students are responsible for reviewing the information stored in the student portal. Students are able to view and print many portions of their student records. 

The following is a list of information currently available to students once they’ve become an applicant at RMCAD: 

  • Account Information
  • Making Payments Online
  • Payment Information
  • RMCAD Financial Aid Links
  • Document Center

The following is a list of information currently available to students once they’ve registered for courses: 

  • Academic forms 
  • Class schedule 
  • Grades (current and past terms; midterm and final grades) 
  • Billing information (current and past terms) 
  • Account holds 
  • Student and Financial Aid Advisor assignment 
  • Financial aid award letter 
  • Financial aid missing documents 
  • RMCAD unofficial transcripts

Additionally, students will work with their assigned Student Advisor to register for classes.

RMCAD Mobile App

The RMCAD mobile app is meant to enhance your student experience whether it’s on-campus, online or both! This app will give you the ability to always be in the know about what’s happening in the RMCAD community while connecting you to your classmates, advisers, and professors. Click here for more information and to download the app on your iPhone or Android device.

Below are a few of the many features offered:

  • Connect with your classmates, advisers, and professors
  • Personalize your homepage by adding your favorite resources for quick access
  • Access your course info through the LMS Tile
  • Learn about events happening on-campus and the latest RMCAD news
  • Break the ice and introduce yourself on the campus walls

Student Early Alert | ANCHOR

RMCAD faculty and staff utilize early alert activities in the College’s Student Information System to help promote the academic and personal success of RMCAD students. The main goal for using these early alert activities is to identify concerns regarding student progress and behavior early on and provide the student with supportive, helping resources before the concern impedes the student’s ability to be successful at RMCAD. Concerns raised via ANCHOR are wide-ranging and include, but are not limited to: academics, personal health and well-being, conduct and behavior, careers, and student dissatisfaction. ANCHOR activities have been configured intentionally with regard to student privacy laws (FERPA), so information in these activities is only shared with other faculty and staff who have a “legitimate educational interest” in the given concern.

Although ANCHOR activities help faculty and staff to ensure that each and every student is getting the help they need, the ultimate responsibility lies with the students to take advantage of the resources and help being offered to them.


Personal counseling services provided by a licensed professional counselor are available for currently enrolled students on campus and online. Counseling is private and free of charge. The Counseling Office can refer students to external mental health facilities when necessary and appropriate. Students should call the Counseling office to make an appointment, 303-225-8573, or inquire via email, counselor@rmcad.edu.

Accessibility Services

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act, the College affirms its commitment to seek to achieve reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities. Prior to admission acceptance, the College will provide general information upon request.

Once enrolled, students are responsible for initiating a request for accommodations by disclosing their disability to the office of Student Accessibility Services (sas@rmcad.edu) and providing the required supporting documentation. The office of Student Accessibility Services will provide additional information to students requesting accommodations, such as standards for required documentation and specific policies regarding use of accommodations. An individual’s needs must be communicated to the Director of Student Accessibility Services before accommodations will be made.


All students are provided with an all-access pass to use on Denver’s public transportation system, the Regional Transportation District (RTD). The College Pass program provides local, regional, light rail, and SkyRide (airport shuttle) service to currently enrolled RMCAD students. Students must pick up their RTD College Pass from the TECHBAR to access RTD services using the College Pass program.

RMCAD offers a Shuttle Service between the College and the Regency Student Housing and the Lamar Street Station and Auraria Campus RTD light rail stops. Contact transportation@rmcad.edu.

RMCAD offers a free shuttle service between the College for specific events and activities located off campus.


There are several housing options available near RMCAD, and each offers something different. Because the primary goal is to help students make a smooth transition to RMCAD, the priority is to help each student find housing that suits their individual needs. As a means to this end, The Office of Student Life provides services and resources to assist in the process. For a full list of housing options, see the Housing Guide, available through that Office.

Voter Registration

Voter registration information and materials are available through the Office of Student Life and online.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Life actively pursues the development of a positive, supportive, and inclusive sense of campus community at RMCAD. Through programs, events, activities, and organizations, the Office of Student Life strives to meet the social, intellectual and cultural needs of current students. To meet this goal, activities offered provide a diverse range of experiences that help students develop essential life skills and that complement their academics. Students are highly encouraged to get involved and share their ideas for programs and activities. Students interested in providing input or planning activities should speak with the Director of Student Life.

RMCAD provides a number of interesting and entertaining activities during the year. Activities include visiting artists and designers, videos, films, and lectures presented by featured artists and designers exhibiting in the galleries. Lectures and workshops are usually held during the lunch break or after school and are always free of charge.

The Student Life Office, Student Ambassadors, and Student Leadership Alliance (SLA) sponsor social, recreational, and educational events on and off campus each term. These include movies, sports events, plays, festivals, lectures, concerts, and gallery tours. Organized outdoor activities take place throughout the year and may include hiking, biking, whitewater rafting, skiing, and snowboarding.

Student Organizations

Students sharing common interests or hobbies can come together as recognized student organizations at RMCAD. Student organizations may be eligible to receive funds from the Office of Student Life and may plan events or programs for fellow RMCAD students. Organizations must be established for purposes that are legal, consistent with the educational aims of and mission of the College, and in accordance with the regulations, guidelines, and policies of Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design and the Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Student Leadership Alliance. Recognition of a student organization does not, however, imply College endorsement of the organization’s purposes, nor does the College assume sponsorship of any of the group’s activities on or off College property.

Student organizations that receive or utilize College resources (including, but not limited to, funding, technology and advisement) must operate and conduct themselves in line with all College policies, as stated in this catalog. Likewise, student organizations must operate in accordance with the mission and values of the College and may not intend to or actually do harm to the interests or reputation of the College.

Any RMCAD student can start working on the formation of a new student organization. Students who would like to start this process should meet with the Diversity Coordinator or attend a Student Leadership Alliance meeting to inquire.

Student Organization Event + Attendance Policy
Any on-campus RMCAD sanctioned student club or organization planning an event or activity for fellow RMCAD students must present their proposal before the Director of Student Life for approval. Outside visitors are not permitted to attend any student-run club or organization, including alumni, and former employees, during the club or organization’s regular weekly meetings, events, or activities, unless otherwise notified.

Alumni wishing to participate in a RMCAD club or organization’s event or activity must seek approval from the Director of Student Life prior to the event. Alumni will only be considered for approval providing they are in possession of a valid Alumni ID and are in good standing with the college.

Guest Speakers
Guest speakers and educators may only be permitted to attend a club or organization’s event, or meeting, on two conditions;

  1. If they are approved prior to the event by the Office of Student Life, and
  2. Providing they are hired from a certified outside resource and serve a specific purpose in the education of the group or organization.


RMCAD is able to provide communication and organization platform for clubs and groups within the RMCAD Mobile application.

Student Ambassadors Program

Student Ambassadors are current undergraduate, full-time, on-campus students hired to serve as peer mentors to new students during Orientation and throughout the first year. They work to create community among the diverse group of artists and designers at RMCAD by planning events for the entire student body, as well as within each academic department. Additionally, the Student Ambassadors plan and execute several civic engagement projects throughout the school year to support and give back to the surrounding community. Students interested in learning more about the Student Ambassador program, or who would like information about the application process, should speak to the Director of Student Life.

Student Leadership Alliance (SLA)

The Student Leadership Alliance is composed of leasers of student organizations at Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design. The Student Leadership Alliance works to support and improve the social and co-curricular experience for the RMCAD student body. The Student Leadership Alliance encourages all current RMCAD students to attend open meetings and to bring ideas and concerns to the attention of the SLA Students interested in obtaining information about Student Leadership Alliance meeting times and locations, or who have other questions related to the Student Government, should contact the Director of Student Life + Activities.

Civic Engagement

Service to the surrounding community is important to RMCAD at many levels. Students are encouraged to participate in volunteer work that appeals to their specific interests and passions. Volunteer work is an excellent way to become involved with the College as well as the community outside of our campus. Volunteer work is an extremely rewarding experience that often leads to strong personal and professional connections. The Office of Student Life serves as a resource for students who have an interest in participating in community service projects. The Office of Student Life provides information about a variety of service projects; from a single day spent working to preserve Colorado’s environment, to ongoing placements working with needy children. Additionally, the Office of Student Life sponsors group trips to local agencies that serve the Denver Metro community. These trips are designed to expose students to the diverse range of volunteer possibilities. Interested students should look for information about such projects via campus communication or inquire with the Office of Student Life.

Career + Alumni Services

The Career + Alumni Services Office is a resource for students and alumni that provides information, strategies, skills, guidance, and support that will assist them in successfully meeting their career objectives.

The office also collaborates with employers developing mutually beneficial relationships resulting in internships and employment opportunities (part-time and full-time) for students and alumni. In addition, the office maintains a student’s connection with RMCAD after graduation through Alumni Association services, programs, and events.

Ongoing Career Resources

The following is an overview of just some of the lifetime services offered to RMCAD students and graduates free of charge.

  • Career assessment and personalized one-on-one career coaching.
  • Assistance with creating and updating of professional documents (resume, cover letters, and email etiquette and correspondence)
  • Portfolio assistance and review.
  • Interview assistance tips and evaluations.
  • Access to online job board, networking, and career development software tools included in RMCAD’s Career Service Portal- PASSPORT. (https://rmcad.csm.symplicity.com) Please contact Career + Alumni Services for instruction on account access and activation.
  • Employment search resources, strategy, and planning. 
  • Assistance with Internship opportunities. 
  • Networking events, Career Fairs, Employer information sessions, and guest speakers 
  • Career-related programming and workshops. 
  • Graduate and special program information.

Please contact Career + Alumni Services to set up an appointment at careerservices@rmcad.edu

Alumni Association

Graduates of RMCAD automatically join the RMCAD Alumni Association upon successful completion of their degree program. The Alumni Association offers graduates a variety of benefits.

Benefits Include:

  • Lifetime access to resources and services offered by the Office of Career + Alumni Services which includes career coaching and access to career and professional development technology tools.
  • Discounts at the RMCAD Supply Store and Bookstore.
  • RMCAD Renew Program  - the ability to audit (not for credit) RMCAD courses in your major with no tuition fees. (Restrictions apply; please contact Career + Alumni Services for details).
  • Access to RMCAD Research Library (some exclusions apply).
  • RMCAD email address (use of rmcad.edu email address allows for access and/or discounts on various software programs and services).
  • Alumni Student Portal access for alumni-specific resources and information.
  • Continued or new access to RMCAD’s Career Services Portal- PASSPORT. Please contact Career + Alumni Services for instructions on account activation.
  • Participation in alumni social media pages.
  • Opportunity to exhibit work in the alumni gallery.
  • TECHBAR services include 3D Printing + Wide-format Printing.
  • Limited access to RMCAD computer labs and facilities for portfolio development. Access is only available during regular RMCAD business hours and a RMCAD Alumni ID ($10 one-time fee) is required. Campus access and obtainment of the Alumni ID must be coordinated through the Office of Career + Alumni Services. Please note: No work can be done on campus for commercial purposes, financial gain, or professional outcomes; and alumni are not able to check out any equipment from the TECHBAR. Fine Art Alumni are permitted to work in the woodshop and ceramic studios during hours posted with a designated supervisor/staff member in attendance.  Alumni (with the exception of Fine Art) are not permitted to work in the wood shops, ceramics studios, (including use of the kilns), and printmaking studios. RMCAD is working to create partnerships with local companies so our Alumni will have those resources available again in the future.

​Professional Organizations

RMCAD students have the opportunity to belong to a variety of professional organizations. Students are encouraged to be involved with the following groups, as applicable for the individual program of study. Many of these organizations visit campus at the beginning of the fall term as part of the annual resource fair, or throughout the academic year.

  • Association Internationale du Film d’Animation
  • American Institute of Graphic Arts
  • American Society of Interior Designers
  • American Society of Media Photographers
  • Art Directors Club of Denver
  • Colorado Alliance of Illustrators
  • Colorado Art Education Association
  • Colorado Business Committee for the Arts
  • Colorado Council of the Arts and Humanities International
  • Colorado Photographic Arts Center
  • International Interior Design Association
  • Museum of Contemporary Arts
  • Denver Art Museum

Visiting Artist, Scholar, + Designer Program

The Visiting Artist, Scholar, and Designer (VASD) Program explores critical, diverse, and creative inquiry. This interdisciplinary initiative enriches the academic experience at RMCAD and serves the greater Denver-metro community. The VASD Program fosters passionate curiosity and innovation by bringing leading national and international artists, scholars, and designers to RMCAD. The Program is structured around a year-long theme. Past VASD Program series themes include Humor, The Senses, and Collapsing Time, and Patterns. Stay connected with the VASD website for current and future program details.

The VASD Program provides RMCAD students with unique opportunities and direct access to creative thinkers from a variety of disciplines, regions, and ethnic backgrounds, and creates a forum for diverse and challenging artistic visions. While visiting, the Program’s artists, scholars, and designers present a public artist talk or performance. Visiting artists also engage with RMCAD students in private events such as workshops, studio visits/portfolio reviews, small group discussions, critiques, on-site installations, and more. A variety of other events such as the Program’s “Next Day Q+A Lunch” and off-campus film screenings are also offered. 

The VASD Program enhances all academic departments at RMCAD and is integrated into the classroom whenever possible. Past Program guests include John Waters, Lucy Lippard, Golan Levin, Will Vinton, Judy Chicago, Lynda Barry, Ian Bogost, Miranda July, Sondra Perry, Andrea Zittel, Kevin Young, Paul Pfieffer, and Robin Hunicke. Learn more and see past lectures and Program archives at rmcad.edu/arts-events/vasd/

Wayfinding Series

The Wayfinding Series connects RMCAD students to creative professionals with a focus on career development through presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and more. With equal parts inspiration and honesty, creative professionals share their path towards a successful creative life and all of the twists and turns involved in that journey. Addressing career-focused issues such as industry trends, relevant skills, making connections, and professional fulfillment, these guests highlight that there is no one way to achieve a successful, creative career. Wayfinding guests represent a variety of creative employment opportunities, connect to multiple academic departments, and reveal that professional creatives are found in diverse and sometimes surprising fields. Speakers include local artists and designers working in creative fields, RMCAD faculty and staff, and accomplished RMCAD alumni.

The Wayfinding series is co-presented by RMCAD’s Career and Alumni Services Department and the VASD Program.