Feb 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

COVID-19 Addendum

This space will be used to post the catalog addenda that publish policies and procedures that are exceptions, or additions, to normal RMCAD policies and procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the unpredictable nature of the situation with the pandemic, policies and procedures will be adapted and changed as necessary to address the needs of the community from one moment to the next. Updates will be posted as necessary. Our primary goal is to ensure the safety of all members of the RMCAD community.

RMCAD Covid-19 Vision Statement: Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design (RMCAD) maintains a policy of inclusiveness that recognizes, values, and reflects the diversity of the community it serves. RMCAD is, and will continue to be, even in these uncertain times, a community of individuals who act with care and responsibility. To that end, RMCAD will continue to promote policies and protocols for students that help to ensure the health and safety of students, faculty and staff while on campus during the COVID-19 outbreak. RMCAD will continue to update these policies as informed by local, state and federal health authorities.


(Updated 6/23/21)

Mask Policy - Mask Friendly Campus

Beginning in Summer B, June 28 2021, fully vaccinated students and staff at RMCAD may go without masks on campus, in hallways and buildings, and in classrooms. Our community is comfortable with members who wish to continue wearing masks for self-protective reasons and anticipate that there will still be many members of our community, who, while vaccinated, will continue to wear masks to protect others including unvaccinated or immuno-compromised family or campus community members or out of respect for those who have a greater risk of developing serious virus complications. 

We ask our community members to remain vigilant regarding the spread of COVID-19 and strongly encourage members of our community to be vaccinated, wash their hands frequently, and to wear a face covering when in crowded, close contact situations with non-household and/or campus community members.

Health and Safety Guidelines 

Students and staff are encouraged to practice good hygiene while on campus: 

  • Wash your hands and/or use an alcohol based sanitizer often:
    • After using the toilet
    • After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
    • Before meals or handling food
    • After touching blood or any body fluid
    • Before and after using any shared resource on campus (e.g. printer, instruments, computer equipment, etc)

For washing hands, lather up with soap for 20 seconds, the amount of time needed to sing the alphabet song. Then rinse well with running water. The longer you wash; the more germs will be washed away. If soap is not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be used.

  • Use general surface cleaning products or wipes to clean commonly touched surfaces. 
  • If feeling ill, stay home until feeling better; seek medical attention, if needed.
  • If feeling ill while on campus, students should contact the Dean of Students (rfladry@rmad.edu); faculty and staff should contact the Director of HR (gdclarke@rmcad.edu).