AG 4985 - Senior Project II: Production Credits: 3 Course Type: Studio
In this senior-level course students will produce the project proposed in Senior Project I: Pre-Production. Students will create and refine the project to produce a body of work that demonstrates professional-level standards. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have a portfolio draft to take to Senior Portfolio III: Post-Production.
Prerequisites: AG 4980 Senior Project I: Pre-Production or AN 3771 Video Editing + Sound Design for Animation or GA 3330 Character + Level Design
Notes: Course to be taken in the next to last term.
(Previously used GA 3380 Game Thesis I, AN3D 4860 3D Animation Thesis I, AN 3342 3-D Animation Thesis 1, AN 3390 2D/3D Animation Thesis I, AN2D 4860 2D Animation Thesis I, AN 3341 2-D Animation Thesis 1)
(Formerly AG 4990 Senior Project I: Portfolio Preparation)
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate effective use of the proposal, production schedule, and pre-production assets to produce the Senior Capstone.
- Express a professional-level understanding of industry-standard expectations.
- Adhere to professional scheduling, organization, and work standards.
AG 4985 Course Learning Outcomes Rubric
Required Course Materials:
- ToonBoom Harmony/Storyboard Pro
- Autodesk Maya
- Adobe Suite
- Substance Suite
- Maxon ZBrush
*Materials are dependent on the student’s Senior Project and may require additional resources.
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