Campus Safety + the Campus Safety Report
In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act), an annual Campus Safety Report is shared with all required parties and is made available to the public on the RMCAD Security web page. As required by the Clery Act, The report contains information regarding all instances of specific crimes within RMCAD’s Clery-defined geography. These crimes include murder/non-negligent manslaughter, manslaughter by negligence, sex offenses including rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The report also includes the number of Unfounded Crimes.
The Clery Act requires RMCAD to separately track specific crimes found to be motivated by bias towards certain groups, which are recorded as Hate Crimes. For the Clery Act, Hate Crimes include all aforementioned crimes in addition to simple assault, larceny-theft, intimidation, and destruction/damage/vandalism of property.
The Clery Act requires the college to report the number of referrals for disciplinary action, violations, and arrests that result from violations of liquor laws, weapon laws, or drug laws that occur within its Clery-defined geography.
The Clery Act requires the college to maintain a Daily Crime Log which contains information regarding all reports to the security department of any crime, given the alleged crime occurred within the college’s Clery-defined geography or the patrol jurisdiction of the security department. The last 60 days of the Daily Crime Log must be immediately accessible, including in physical form, to the public at all times at no cost. The college is required to maintain the last 7 years of the Daily Crime Log which must be available within two business days of the request.
The college offers support services in the event any of the aforementioned is experienced by a member of the RMCAD Community (theft, vandalism, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking). Any of the aforementioned should be reported to college officials (contact the Dean of Students at 720.525.7102, the Reception Desk at 303.753.6046, or Campus Security at 303.567.7271) and local law enforcement by dialing 911 (Dial 5-911 from on-campus office phones). Additionally, the college hosts regular workshops regarding self-defense, sexual assault awareness and prevention, and personal protection through the Office of Student Affairs.
In the event a sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking occurs on campus or is experienced by a member of the RMCAD Community, the college, once made aware, will follow the established investigation procedure. Additionally, the college may contact law enforcement.
Emergency Call Boxes
As required by law, there are two emergency call boxes located within campus elevators.
They are located:
- In the Texas Building Elevator
- In the EPiC Building Elevator
** Elevator emergency call boxes ring directly to the contracted elevator maintenance company who will coordinate a rescue response, if appropriate.
Safety Escort
The Department of Safety and Security provides safety escorts for the RMCAD community. To take advantage of this service, students should contact the Reception Desk at 303.753.6046 or Campus Security at 303.567.7271 to arrange for an escort to a vehicle parked on campus, another campus building, or the RTD bus stop located at the corner of Pierce and Colfax.
Safety Reporting
Upon observing suspicious or potentially dangerous behavior or persons, any member of the College community should call the authorities. Likewise, a report should also be made immediately to the Reception Desk or Campus Security.
The victim or observers should formally report all crime or safety-related incidents to the College. Students should contact the Campus Security Department to file an Incident Report. The College’s Safety Committee reviews the Incident Reports.
The victim or observers should formally report all crime or safety-related incidents to the College. Students should contact the Campus Security Department to file an Incident Report.
Students who are the victims of threats, or who observe threatening behavior, should contact the police by calling 911. In addition, students should make a report immediately to the Reception Desk or Campus Security.
Threats will be referred to the C.A.R.E. team, which will assess the situation and make recommendations regarding the safety concerns present. Consultation may also be sought from legal, health, and safety professionals on a case-by-case basis.
Mission and Purpose
The mission of the RMCAD CARE (Communication, Assessment, Response, and Evaluation) Team is awareness and proactive intervention of issues relating to the safety, physical and mental health, and well-being of campus communities.
The CARE Team has adopted a caring and confidential program of identification, intervention, and response in order to provide students and staff with the greatest opportunity for success and the RMCAD community with the greatest level of protection.
The CARE Team will:
- Receive and gather information regarding potentially harmful or disruptive behavior with regard to the safety and rights of others and minimize the disruption to the RMCAD community.
- Collaboratively recommend preventative and purposeful individualized interventions to ensure a safe environment where learning, personal growth, and professional development can occur.
- Follow up to determine if further intervention is needed, evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies, and make further recommendations as warranted.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of behavior should be referred to the CARE Team?
Please refer only serious concerns regarding online or campus student behavior that indicate the student may harm him/herself or others in the community but not immediate emergencies or life-threatening situations.
Note: For all immediate emergencies, including the following, PLEASE CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY:
- A current danger to life or property
- A serious medical emergency (chest pains, seizures, bleeding, etc.)
- Fire (building, vehicle, brush, etc.)
- Crime in progress (robbery, bullying, fights, etc.)
- Any other life-threatening situations (traffic accident with injuries, active suicidal speech, etc.)
Can I refer misconduct and academic integrity violations to the CARE Team?
Yes, you may refer these student issues to the CARE Team if the issue also includes a lower-level behavioral concern. The concern will then be evaluated and documented by the CARE team and communicated to the appropriate stakeholders.
How do I make a referral to the CARE Team?
Referrals may be made through the RMCAD’s website by using the Student of Concern Referral Form or in person by contacting the Office of Student Affairs or Mental Health Counseling.
Will the person be informed of who made the referral?
The intention of the CARE Team is to maintain the highest possible level of confidentiality.
Is my referral confidential?
Yes. Any information that you submit will be handled confidentially with the purpose of assisting the student you have referred.
Who can make a CARE Team referral?
Anyone can make a CARE Team referral. Please refer only serious concerns regarding online or campus student behavior that indicate the student may harm him/herself or others in the community but not immediate emergencies or life-threatening situations.
What happens to the person who is being referred?
If the CARE Team determines that the student’s behavior merits intervention, the CARE Team will contact the person to discuss his/her behavior and the team’s recommended intervention.
How will I know the situation has been addressed?
The CARE Team will address every report brought to the committee. However, you may not be privy to the outcome of an investigation based on the factors involved and students’ privacy.
Student Success + Outreach Committee
The Student Success and Outreach Committee (SSOC) is comprised of a small group of faculty and staff from across the College who are committed to the academic and personal success of RMCAD students. The SSOC meets weekly to confidentially discuss student concerns and collaborative outreach strategies, to proactively reach out to students with low attendance, and to contact students with strategies for low grades at midterm.
Any member of the RMCAD community encountering an emergency situation should call the appropriate authorities immediately. Dial 5-911 from any campus phone for police, paramedics, fire, or other emergency service referrals. Also, contact the Reception Desk to apprise staff of the nature of the emergency situation. For all other emergencies or for an escort to your vehicle, please call our security team directly at 303.567.7271 or the Reception Desk (303.753.6046) during posted business hours.
Emergency Response Procedures
In the event of an unforeseen emergency situation or disaster, it is imperative that all persons adhere to guidelines and instructions for the safest response. All RMCAD classrooms and administrative buildings are equipped with instructions on how to proceed in a variety of emergency situations. Faculty, who are acting on behalf of the College, serve as the authority on response action within a classroom setting until the appropriate community emergency response unit has arrived on the scene. In the interest of safety, all students are expected to comply with instructions given by faculty, College staff, or emergency response units.
Transportation by Ambulance
Any student, staff, faculty member, or campus visitor may call for an ambulance to respond to an emergency situation by calling 911.
The Reception Desk (303.753.6046) or Campus Security (303.567.7271) should also be notified when a call for an ambulance is made, or to assist in calling for an emergency vehicle.
Sometimes it is necessary for the officers of a group, RMCAD faculty, or staff to seek assistance from emergency officials. The College reserves the right to initiate a call for an ambulance on the campus or at College events held off-campus.
Individuals refusing ambulance transportation to a medical facility will be responsible for their decision. The College does not assume responsibility for consequences resulting from the refusal of ambulance transportation.
Individuals refusing ambulance transportation are responsible for their own transportation to a medical facility.
The College may require individuals refusing ambulance transportation to vacate the premises until appropriate medical treatment is sought.
The College will not assume payment for ambulance transportation.
RMCAD Crisis Intervention Protocol for Mental Health Emergencies
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design (RMCAD) has policies and procedures in place to assist any student who has posed a threat of harm/danger to self/others (e.g., self-mutilation, suicide attempt, evidence of psychosis, etc.). For any questions related to this protocol please see Campus Security, the Campus Mental Health Counselor, or the Dean of Students.
Students in need of clinician services for consultation may contact the Metro Crisis Line at 888.885.1222
Facility Safety
Detailed information on 3D studios and full safety requirements and documentation is available on the Google site.
All RMCAD on-ground students are given proper safety and usage instructions for wood shop tools and equipment during their 3D Design course in Foundations. Students are required to pass a safety test in order to utilize campus wood shops during and after their 3D Design course. If a student has passed 3D Design but did not pass or did not take the safety tests, they will be asked to complete and pass applicable safety tests before being allowed to work in the wood shops. Students taking vital medications, which may affect their ability to use shop tools and machines safely, are strongly encouraged to volunteer a list of these medications. To ensure privacy, students are asked to place and seal the list in an envelope with their name written on the outside. Students may give the envelope directly to the shop coordinator or course instructor. The information in this envelope will be revealed only to a first responder/paramedic and faculty and/or shop manager in the case of a medical emergency.
Only Fine Arts Majors who have completed appropriate training and students currently enrolled in Ceramics classes can regularly utilize the Ceramics Studio. Non-majors, staff, and faculty may participate in Clay Club for access to the studio during meeting times.
Only Fine Arts majors who have completed appropriate training and students currently enrolled in Sculpture I may regularly use the metal shop.
Students may only use facilities when a dedicated staff member is present or proper checkout has occurred. Any unauthorized use of the facilities will result in loss of privileges.
Health Hazards in the Arts
Health hazards are inherent in some art-making processes. Students should be aware of the health hazards involved in the use of certain art materials and take measures to protect themselves from hazardous materials. Studio coordinators maintain and update Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for substances and materials that the Health Department provides. For all other substances, students must provide the Instructor with an MSDS for any material or substance that the student brings on campus. These sheets describe the health hazards as well as recommended safety precautions for each substance. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) may be requested from the Campus Operations.
Overnight Field Trips
A field trip is an activity sanctioned by RMCAD and held under the direction of an authorized College employee. This policy sets out the procedures under which field trips - that require an overnight stay or stays - may be organized as a part of RMCAD programs or classes.
- Faculty or staff intending to incorporate a field trip into their classes or program must complete the Field Trip Authorization form and submit the form for the review/approval of their Program Chair and the Provost.
- The Field Trip Authorization form must be submitted by the sponsor two weeks in advance of the prospective field trip.
- The Field Trip Authorization form must be approved before including any field trip in a course syllabus or otherwise announcing the field trip to students.
Personal Liability + Responsibility
- Faculty and staff have no special duty to protect adult students from their own voluntary actions. All applicable College policies, including those relating to student conduct, will be enforced during the trip.
- Faculty and staff are personally liable for their own personal activities and may be liable for actions that are manifestly outside the scope of employment, or which are conducted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner.
- Faculty and staff should consider the proximity of personal, social, and instructional activities in the field trip situation. They should be aware of how the situation, the setting, and their own personal conduct may be perceived by students, and they should act accordingly.
- Do not leave personal items alone or in plain sight in unattended vehicles. Personal items are not covered under the College insurance policy and are the responsibility of the owner.
Transportation of Students
A. Approved Events
Transportation of students for field trips or other scheduled activities will be conducted by a RMCAD-approved driver on the College’s insurance policy in an authorized vehicle owned by RMCAD.
B. Emergencies
If a student must be transported to a hospital, urgent care, or mental health facility, a minimum of two RMCAD employees must accompany the student in a RMCAD-approved vehicle. One of these employees should be either the Dean of Students or the Director of Health + Wellness.
In circumstances when an approved RMCAD vehicle is not available, a ride-share service may be utilized. One RMCAD employee should accompany the student and another employee should follow in a personal vehicle ensuring the student reaches the destination.
Following any transportation for a student emergency, a detailed report will be sent to the Dean of Students and Director of Security.
Any deviation from this policy must be approved by the Dean of Students prior to any transportation off-campus.
C. Use of Student Vehicles
A RMCAD faculty or staff member should not utilize a RMCAD student’s personal vehicle under any circumstance.