Mar 13, 2025  
2025-2026 Academic Catalog 
2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Campus Community Policies

Campus Access + Extended Hours

RMCAD recognizes that, for academic purposes, students occasionally need to remain on campus and use campus facilities after established campus hours of operation (Normally: Monday-Friday 7:30 am to 10 pm; Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm.)

A student needing to remain on campus after established campus hours of operation must get approval from RMCAD administration by completing the Lab, Card Access, and Extended Hours Form which is located on the Department of Safety and Security’s website. (Students must be logged in to their email to access this form. Or, it may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs.)

Normal hours of operation may be impacted by exceptional circumstances. Please contact the main reception desk for information regarding exceptional circumstances and limitations impacting normal hours of operation before requesting extended access. All requests must be submitted 48 business hours in advance of the requested date. Requests will be reviewed within 24 hours of receipt. Only students with officially approved requests for extended hours on campus may be on campus after established campus hours.

Please note that:

  • Students must have a copy of the approved request form in their possession on the day(s) they have requested to remain on campus and use campus facilities after established campus hours of operation.
  • Any alteration or fraudulent use of extended hour privileges will result in disciplinary action.
  • Students should not prop open classroom doors or exterior building doors while on campus during extended hours.
  • Students are expected to clean up after using a facility and to report any issues related to facility resources or equipment immediately to the Office of Student Affairs.
  • Students found in a campus building after regular hours without proper authorization or who violate the conditions of these access regulations shall be subject to institutional discipline and/or criminal prosecution for unlawful entry or trespassing.


  1. A student seeking to remain on campus, and use campus facilities, before or after established campus hours of operation must complete the Lab, Card Access, and Extended Hours Form.
  2. The completed request form will be sent to the Director of Safety and Security who will ensure sufficient information was provided by the requester and then forward the request to the appropriate party.
  3. The party will review and approve or deny the request within 48 hours and communicate the decision to the Director of Safety and Security.
  4. The Director of Safety and Security will notify the student of the decision.
  5. The Department of Safety and Security will keep a copy of all request forms and decisions made on each request

Review of Extended Hours Request

  • The Director of Safety and Security or the appropriate party may deny a student’s extended hours on campus request for the following reasons:
  • An incomplete Extended Hours on Campus Request Form
  • The campus is closed due to a holiday or weather issue
  • A request made without a minimum of 48 hours advance notice
  • Extended hours request reason is not academic in nature
  • The student has previously documented disciplinary sanctions or conduct issues
  • The student has previously failed to adhere to the Extended Hours on Campus Policy

Emergency Closings | Class Cancellations

Emergency closings may include the following:

  • Physical campus closures (including late starts, early departures, and full-day closures); classes and administrative operations continue online without interruption.
  • Emergency campus closures

Notices of physical campus closures will be placed on the College’s website and voice mail recording. For most physical campus closures, courses and classroom operations will continue in the online format facilitated through the Learning Management System (LMS). In the case of a class cancellation, all course requirements listed in the syllabus must still be met and the instructor will facilitate class through zoom or work with their Chair to ensure that appropriate coursework is assigned in the LMS to fulfill the Definition of Credit Hour policy .

Students should consult their email for instructions from their instructors and Department Chairs for course meeting times via zoom, make-up sessions, and/or remote assignments and work. Attendance will be recorded during physical campus closures that migrate to online formats (see Attendance policies for details) and administrative support will continue to operate online without interruption.

In the event that inclement weather, power/utility failure, fire, flood, or some other “Act of God” keeps the College from operating in both its physical campus and online modalities, the College’s website and voice mail recording will be updated to reflect full campus and online closures. 

Time frames for closure communications

  • Morning Classes (8 AM start) Communicated by 6:00 AM
  • Afternoon classes (12:45 start) Communicated by 10:45 AM
  • Afternoon classes (1:30 start) Communicated by 11:30 AM
  • Evening classes (5:00 or later) Communicated by 3:00 PM
  • Events and Non-Class Related Activities (Times Variable) Communicated at least two hours prior to event start

Students are encouraged to attempt contact with the campus in one of the following ways:

  • to call the campus, 303.753.6046
  • check the website for updates
  • check texts, phone messages, or RMCAD email for closure-related updates (if opted in)
  • check RMCAD mobile push notification within the RMCAD Mobile application (if installed and logged in)
  • check social media, online channels, and appropriate news outlets

Any visitors or deliveries will not be permitted after campus closure. Closures will further be indicated with security signage.


RMCAD, one of the most intimate campuses in Colorado, provides free student parking in three designated lots.

Tickets are issued for unauthorized vehicles and for vehicles parked in unauthorized areas, parking lots, or parking spots. Parking areas designated as “reserved” or “faculty/staff” are reserved for faculty and staff only. RMCAD visitor parking areas are also off-limits for student parking. Work-Study participants do not qualify for parking in faculty/staff lots.

All student vehicles must display a valid RMCAD student parking pass hanging from the rear-view mirror. Student parking passes do not expire.

Students must stop by the Reception Desk in the Texas Building during the first week of each fall term, or the term in which they begin at RMCAD, to complete a vehicle registration form and to pick up their RMCAD student parking pass. Students must update their vehicle records when they change vehicles. Students may register up to two vehicles. The vehicle may be towed off campus at the owner’s expense by a third-party towing company unless the parking tag is visible.

Temporary, date-specific “visitor” passes are available for RMCAD guests. RMCAD visitors should pick up and display a date-specific visitor parking pass at the Reception Desk when they arrive on campus and sign in. Visitors to the Philip J. Steele Gallery and the Rotunda will receive a special visitor parking pass that is valid for that lot only.

Any vehicle parked in the fire lanes will be towed. Any vehicle parked in handicapped spaces not displaying a handicapped placard is strictly prohibited. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Bicycles + Other Modes of Transportation

Without RMCAD prior approval, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, and other modes of transportation with an outside use purpose are not permitted inside College buildings. The College encourages those who bring these items to campus to lock them on the racks provided. The College is not responsible for lost and/or stolen bicycles, skateboards, scooters, or other modes of transportation. Individuals with mobility restrictions or concerns that require the use of such modes of transportation in College buildings are required to self-identify as a person with a disability and request accommodations through the Office of Student Accessibility Services (


RMCAD requires all persons present on campus (faculty, staff, students, guests, and visitors) to be fully clothed at all times including shirt and shoes. In an abundance of caution for the safety and well being of community members, shoes with heels are not recommended on campus and are prohibited in some areas of the campus (Carpenter, Neusteter, tunnels, basements, etc.). 

Student workers, whether participating in Federal Work Study or in other RMCAD employment positions, must adhere to the dress code required for their positions. Dress code requirements may vary based on the position or department but typically follow these general requirements:

  • Employees may dress in relaxed or casual attire, including jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. Clothing should be clean, in good condition, and well-fitting.
  • Clothing and accessories should not be excessively revealing and offensive language, images, or symbols are prohibited.
  • Footwear should be suitable for the job duties and provide safety where necessary.
  • Personal hygiene and grooming should be maintained at all times. Employees with hair below the chin may be asked to tie back their hair when working with specific equipment.


Campus Accessibility for Visitors, Students, Staff, and Faculty

  1. On-Campus Students
  • Students who are enrolled in on-campus classes are allowed on RMCAD grounds at any time during standard operating hours.
  • Except for the Robinson building, on-campus students are allowed to be in any building during standard operating hours so long as they are not disrupting the educational environment and/or college processes.
    • The Robinson Building is inaccessible to students past 05:00 PM Monday - Friday and inaccessible on weekends unless there is an authorized exception from the Building Manager.
    • Students should understand that, due to campus closing procedures, they may be asked to leave buildings before 10:00 PM to achieve a timely closure.
  • For extended hours access, see Section 9: Lab, Card Access, & Extended Hours Policy.
  • Certain areas may be restricted due to safety concerns. If access is required to such areas, students must receive authorization from the building manager, Department Chair, or appropriate faculty member.
  1. Online-Only Students
  • Online-Only students are students who are currently enrolled only in online classes. 
  • Online-Only students are allowed on RMCAD grounds any time during standard operating hours.
    • During their first visit to campus, Online-Only students must check in with the front desk staff of the Texas Building, during which they will receive a student pass for their vehicle.
    • Online-Only students should park in student parking lots.
  • Aside from the Robinson building, Online-Only students are allowed to be in any building during standard operating hours so long as they are not disrupting the educational environment and/or college processes.
    • The Robinson Building is inaccessible to all students past 05:00 PM Monday - Friday and inaccessible on weekends unless there is an authorized exception from the Building Manager.
    • Students should understand that, due to campus closing procedures, they may be asked to leave buildings before 10:00 PM to achieve a timely closure.
  • For extended hours access, see Section 9: Lab, Card Access, & Extended Hours Policy.
    • While online-only students are welcome on RMCAD’s campus, they are not granted certain privileges, such as the ability to print on campus, the ownership of an access card, a personal log-in to the WiFi, or the ability to utilize the majority of RMCAD’s equipment/resources.
    • Online-Only students should contact the Department of Safety and Security via phone if they require access to buildings that require an access card during their visit.
  • Certain areas may be restricted due to safety concerns. If access is required to such areas for academic reasons, students should seek authorization from the Department Chair or appropriate faculty member.
  • If RMCAD facilities/personnel are unable to accommodate visiting Online-Only Students, permissions to access RMCAD facilities may be restricted.
  1. Prospective Students
  • Walk-in tours may be requested, but prospective students should contact the Admissions Department before their arrival on campus to schedule a campus tour and any associated activity for the best experience possible.
  • Upon arrival, prospective students are required to check in with the front desk staff of the Texas building during which they will follow the same check-in process as Visitors.
  • While on RMCAD’s campus, prospective students are subject to the Student Code of Conduct and all applicable laws.
  • Presence in an active classroom is restricted to faculty and the enrolled students.
    • Visitors with a legitimate academic purpose who have obtained authorization from the Admissions Department, respective Department Chair, and respective faculty member may participate in and/or observe a class session. This authorization should be forwarded to the Director of Safety and Security and the Office of Student Affairs for notification purposes.
    • Visitors’ role in the classroom is strictly observational, i.e., visitors are not allowed to use RMCAD resources/facilities/equipment.
  1. Alumni

  • RMCAD Alumni who are considered in “Good Standing” are welcome to return to RMCAD for visits.
  • Alumni who wish to use RMCAD facilities, audit courses under the Renew Program, and/or frequently visit campus, should obtain an alumni pass from Career Services.
  • Visits and the use of RMCAD facilities are a privilege. Alumni are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct while on campus grounds.
  • If such privileges are abused or unable to be reasonably accommodated, they may be altered, restricted, or revoked entirely.
  • RMCAD Alumni who are considered in “Bad Standing” are not welcome on RMCAD grounds.
  1. Faculty & Staff
  • RMCAD faculty and staff members are allowed on campus grounds and RMCAD facilities anytime during standard operating hours.
  • Faculty and staff should understand that, due to campus closing procedures, they may be asked to leave buildings before 10:00 PM to achieve a timely closure.
  • For extended hours access, see Section 9: Lab, Card Access, & Extended Hours Policy.
  • Certain areas may be restricted due to safety concerns. If access is required to such areas, faculty and staff should seek authorization from the building manager.
  1. Adjunct Faculty
  • Adjunct Faculty who are currently under contract with RMCAD and/or instructing a class for RMCAD in any capacity are subject to the Faculty & Staff policy within this document.
  • Therefore, Adjunct Faculty is defined hereon as those who have been previously employed by RMCAD as an adjunct instructor and are not currently under contract and/or not instructing a class for RMCAD and are considered in good standing with the college.
    • Former adjunct faculty/employees who are considered in bad standing with the College are not allowed on RMCAD grounds.
  • Adjunct Faculty who wish to visit RMCAD’s campus should follow the check-in process at the Texas building as a visitor.
  • If Adjunct Faculty wish to use RMCAD facilities, they must submit a Lab, Card Access, & Extended Hours form and specify the facility and the hours during which they wish to use it.
    • The form will be forwarded to the respective Department Chair for approval.
  • If the Adjunct Faculty person does not have a valid/usable RMCAD email address, they must coordinate with the Department Chair for them to directly communicate any approved use of RMCAD facilities to the Department of Safety and Security.
  1. Overnight Staff
  • To be present on RMCAD grounds during the off-hours of the Department of Safety and Security, employed/contracted persons must obtain authorization from their supervisor who must notify the Department of Safety and Security. Supervisors should only authorize this presence under special circumstances.
  • Exceptional circumstances must be present in order for employees to be regularly scheduled during the off-hours of the Department of Safety and Security.
  • If such persons wish to have visitors present during these hours, they must obtain separate permissions from their supervisor and notify the Department of Safety and Security.
  1. Children
  • Children are not allowed into studios, shops, and other departments where there is an increased risk to safety due to the following:
    • Certain areas of the college pose numerous potential safety and health hazards including, but not limited to, paints, solvents, chemicals, sharp objects, power tools, welding, dust, fumes, and the creative process of other art mediums.
    • Certain areas of the college may include artwork and/or educational content inappropriate for children.
  1. Lab, Card Access, + Extended Hours Policy
  • Requests are to be submitted via authorized Google Form.
    • Google Form is located on the Department of Safety and Security’s website.
    • Requests should be made at least 48 hours in advance of the requested date of access but no more than 30 days in advance.
    • If approved, the person is required to have their RMCAD identification badge (or other identification which includes their name and picture) ready to present to Campus Safety Officers at the time of requested access.
  • Student requests to access secure classrooms/buildings must be approved by the respective building manager.
    • If the student’s reason for requesting access relates to a specific class, only approval from their instructor is required.
  • Staff and faculty requests to access buildings outside normal campus hours must be approved by the respective building manager. Students are ineligible to access buildings outside normal campus hours except the Spivak building and the Texas building.
  • Forms, once submitted by the requestee, will…
    • Be routed to the respective Department Chair, instructor, or Building Manager.
    • If approved, the Department Chair, instructor, or Building Manager are to forward their approval to the Director of Safety and Security.
      •  The Director of Safety and Security will notify Campus Safety Officers and the requester via email.
    • If denied, the denial will be sent to the requester with reasoning.Denials may be based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to…
      • The requester failed to complete the form.
        • The campus is closed due to a holiday or weather closure.
        • The request was not submitted at least 48 hours in advance.
        • The reason for access is not academic in nature.
        • The requester has a documented history of disciplinary sanctions or conduct issues.
        • The Director of Safety and Security, Dean of Students, and the Vice President of Student Affairs posses veto power of any approved request.
  • The requested hours must be within the Department of Safety and Security hours (M-F, 06:30 AM-10:00 PM, Sat. & Sun., 09:30 AM-12:00 AM).
  • If the request is for multiple entries to a building with card access rather than a single early entry, the requester is to note this in the “Miscellaneous” section of the form.
    • In the case of “Single Entry”, the Director of Safety and Security will delegate the responsibility of allowing access to the requester to Campus Safety Officers.
    • In the case of “Multiple Entries”, the Director of Safety and Security will temporarily alter the requestee’s card access clearance codes if the Director of Safety and Security determines this to be a suitable solution.
  1. Student-Associated and Faculty/Staff-Associated Guests
  • Students, faculty, and staff are allowed to bring guests to RMCAD’s campus to show them the campus grounds without process, but it is recommended they notify the front desk staff in the Texas building.
  • If the party would like to bring their guests into RMCAD buildings, they are required to notify the front desk staff of the Texas building.
    • Front desk staff are not required to gather information from the student regarding their guests unless they are utilizing the visitor parking lot. In this case, front desk staff will follow the standard visitor check-in policy.
    • The front desk staff should notify the Campus Security team about any guests on campus via radio.
  • The hosting party is responsible for the actions of their guests, both of whom are subject to the Student Code of Conduct and all applicable laws while on RMCAD’s campus.
  • The ability to bring visitors to campus may be revoked at any time by Department of Safety and Security personnel, including when the guests are on campus. If this ability is revoked, the party is required to…
    • Immediately escort their guests from the property if they are currently on campus.
    • Inform their guests they are no longer allowed on campus.
  • For events to which Student and/or Faculty/Staff Guests are invited, guests should follow the check-in process established for the event by the event organizer.
  1. Guests
  • This policy applies to community members who are unassociated with RMCAD, which include those who have never established or attempted to establish any of the following relationships with the College:
    • A student/college relationship.
    • A parent or guardian of a student/college relationship.
    • An employee/employer relationship.
    • A contractor or vendor/business partner relationship.
    • A media/source relationship.
  • Guests are allowed to be on campus grounds for purposes of enjoying the space, exercise, or pet walking. 
    • Guests are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and their companion animals. 
      • If staff or faculty members observe a pet owner disregard this responsibility, the pet owner may be contacted by the Department of Safety and Security and asked to leave and/or not return to campus.
  • Guests are not allowed into RMCAD facilities.
  • Guests are subject to the Student Code of Conduct while on RMCAD property. Further, Guests are expected to not interfere with the educational environment, college processes, and/or RMCAD-associated population while on campus.
  •  Guests are not allowed to use the visitor parking lot.
  • Any degree of abuse of this privilege or violation of this policy may lead to the guest(s) being asked to leave/be escorted off the grounds or the issuance of a formal or informal trespass notice for the guest.
  • For events to which Guests are invited, Guests should follow the check-in process established for the event by the event organizer.
  • Guests with the intent to solicit, e.g., solicitors, peddlers, or unauthorized salespersons, are not permitted on campus grounds.
  1. Visitors
  • The distinction between Guests and Visitors is that Visitors’ purpose involves RMCAD interests, insofar as they are interested in employment, a tour (not as a prospective student), utilizing the facilities of the campus, etc.
    • The hosting party should notify the Texas front desk staff of any scheduled visitors to best accommodate their arrival.
    • The hosting party is required to escort the visitor at all times, especially into buildings that require card access to enter.
  • Visitors are to park in the Visitor Lot, located near the north entrance to the Texas building.
  • Before entry into campus grounds/buildings, visitors are to provide the Texas front desk staff their 1) full name 2) host 3) purpose, and 4) vehicle information.
  • To facilitate this process, visitors should utilize the doorbell located near the north entry to the Texas building to initiate contact with the front desk staff.
  • Visitors are issued a parking permit for the day upon receipt of vehicle details.
    • Visitors who are here for tours are not issued a parking permit but their vehicle information is still recorded.
  • All gathered information is recorded on a Google Doc, located at
  • Violation of this process may lead to the visitor being asked to leave, be escorted off campus, and/or be issued a trespass notice.

Figure Models Utilized or Photographed on Campus

Figure models being utilized or photographed on campus, including use in classrooms, and/or studios must be 18 years of age or older and are required to complete a RMCAD Model Release Form prior to the campus event, session, or photo shoot. All models must have a government-issued ID on them at all times. This policy also applies to RMCAD student models. For models under 18, the parent or guardian must complete the release form and must be present for the duration of the model’s utilization on campus.

Figure models provide a valuable arts education service to the RMCAD community. In order to ensure a professional environment for models, faculty, and students, the following model standards and practices are to be followed.

Artist Code of Conduct + Classroom Expectations: 

  1. The instructor is responsible for all classroom participation and behavior and must be present, and in charge, at all times to ensure appropriate behavior. If an instructor must leave the room, there will be a break and the model will re-robe until the instructor returns.
  2. Classroom doors must be closed and locked during modeling sessions.
  3. For sensitive material (such as nudity) a ” Model in session. Do Not Enter” sign must be displayed on the exterior of the studio door.
  4. Silence cell phones and put them away when a model is unrobed to ensure the confidence of privacy.
  5. There should be no conversation with the model or between students during a pose. If communication with the model is needed, this should be communicated via the instructor. Requests for adjustments to the pose should be conveyed via the instructor.
  6. If you arrive late or leave early, coordinate timing with breaks to minimize disruption for the model and students.
  7. Never photograph a model without first asking permission. Any approved photographs are for the use of the individual student for reference and may not be shared in any way.
  8. Images supplied for online classes in the Figure Model Library are for in-class, student reference, and use only. Under no circumstances are the images supplied in the Figure Model Library, or otherwise, to be shared outside of the classroom environment or externally through online portfolios or social media.
  9. Never touch a model.
  10. Only faculty, students, and authorized guests participating in a scheduled modeling session are to be present while a model is posing.
  11. Only working artists should be in the room; if the instructor wants the students to have one-on-one drawing experiences with the model, the other students should be sent out to another room.
  12. If using more than one model, instructors should have models maintain distance to the comfort level of the models.

Figure Model Code of Conduct: 

RMCAD strives to maintain a professional working environment for our models. Models should be able to:

  1. Work in clean, safe, and temperature-controlled conditions.
  2. Be treated respectfully.
  3. Take 5-minute breaks every 20 minutes.
  4. End the session at the agreed time.
  5. Not allow photographs unless agreed upon with the model before the session.
  6. Utilize a private dressing/ undressing area.
  7. Expect privacy from public view.
  8. Decline permission to be touched.

Pets + Assistance/Support Animals

A “pet” is an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship. Assistance animals (service and support), as defined below, are not considered pets. RMCAD specifically prohibits pets anywhere on campus with the exception of approved assistance animals for individuals with disabilities.

Assistance Animals
This policy applies to assistance animals that may be used by individuals with disabilities. The term “assistance animal” is the overarching term that refers to both service animals as well as support animals as defined below. Therefore, an assistance animal is an animal that either (1) works, provides assistance, or performs tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability; or (2) provides emotional or other types of support that alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability.

Service Animals
A “service animal” means any dog or, in some cases, a miniature horse, that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. The provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship does not constitute work or tasks for the purpose of this definition. Species other than dogs or, in some cases, miniature horses, are not considered service animals for the purpose of this definition of a service animal. Additionally, RMCAD cannot ask about the nature or extent of a person’s disability to determine whether a person’s animal qualifies as a service animal. However, when it is not readily apparent that a dog is a service animal, RMCAD employees may make two inquiries to determine whether the dog qualifies as a service animal, which are:

  • Is the animal required because of a disability?
  • What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?

A service animal must be housebroken (i.e. trained so that it controls its waste elimination, absent illness or accident) and must be kept under control by a harness, leash, or other tethers, unless the person is unable to hold those, or such use would interfere with the service animal’s performance of work or tasks. In such instances, the service animal must be kept under control by voice, signals, or other effective means. RMCAD and SAS will assess requests for the use of miniature horses by people with disabilities on a case-by-case basis.

Requests should be submitted to the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Committee and, consistent with applicable laws, RMCAD may make modifications in its policies to permit their use if they meet certain criteria and have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of people with disabilities.

Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

An “emotional support animal” is an animal that provides emotional or other support that ameliorates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. Unlike service animals, support animals are not required to be trained to perform work or tasks, and they include species other than dogs and miniature horses. Support animals are generally not allowed to accompany persons with disabilities in all public areas in the same manner that a service animal is allowed to. At this time, RMCAD is not allowing Emotional Support Animals on campus.

Guide and Hearing Trainees
Colorado law states the following with respect to animals in training and will be allowed on campus:

§ 24-34-803. Rights of persons with assistance dogs

A trainer of a service animal, or an individual with a disability accompanied by an animal that is being trained to be a service animal, has the right to be accompanied by the service animal in training without being required to pay an extra charge for the service animal in training in or on the following places or during the following activities:

  • Any place of employment, housing, or public accommodation;
  • Any programs, services, or activities conducted by a public entity;
  • Any public transportation service; or
  • Any other place open to the public.

Responsibilities of People with Disabilities Using Assistance Animals

​RMCAD is not responsible for the care or supervision of assistance animals. People with disabilities are responsible for the cost, care, and supervision of assistance animals, including:

  • Compliance with any laws pertaining to animal licensing, vaccination, and owner identification;
  • Keeping the animal under control and taking effective action when it is out of control; and
  • Feeding and walking the animal and disposing of its waste. RMCAD will not require any surcharges or fees for assistance animals. However, a person with a disability may be charged for damage caused by an assistance animal to the same extent that RMCAD would normally charge a person for damage caused. People with disabilities who are accompanied by assistance animals must comply with the same campus rules regarding noise safety, disruption, and cleanliness as people without disabilities.

​Alcohol + Other Drug Abuse + Violence Prevention

Standards of Conduct

In compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses regulations, Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design (RMCAD) prohibits the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, or distribution of a controlled substance (illicit drugs and alcohol) of any kind and of any amount by students and employees. These prohibitions cover any individual’s actions that are part of any RMCAD activities, including those occurring while on RMCAD property or in the conduct of RMCAD business away from the campus. More specifically, the following is prohibited:

  • The unlawful possession, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, or use (or misuse) of alcohol by those under the age of 21.
  • The unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, or purchase of alcohol by those over the age of 21.
  • The possession, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, or use (or misuse) of marijuana of any kind, in any amount.
  • The unlawful possession, unauthorized manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, or use (or misuse) of a controlled substance.
  • Verbal threats or disruptive, disorderly, or threatening behavior while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Being in an intoxicated condition.

In accordance with local law, the following are prohibited:

  • Carrying or consuming alcoholic beverages in open containers while operating a motor vehicle, regardless of age.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or legal drugs if they impair the ability to operate a motor vehicle is illegal.

Legal, Disciplinary + Financial Implications


A comprehensive list of state regulations may be found on the Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) publication website. The following is a partial list of state laws and penalties regarding the sale and use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.  

Sale and Distribution

Colorado Revised Statute, Title 12: Professions and Occupations

  • Fermented malt beverages: CRS 12-46
  • Alcohol beverages: CRS 12-47
  • Liquors – special event permits: CRS 12-48
  • Medical marijuana: CRS 12-43.3
Possession, Consumption & Furnishing

Colorado Revised Statute, Title 18: Criminal Code

  • Illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person: CRS 18-13-122
  • Furnishing cigarettes or tobacco products to minors: CRD 18-13-121
  • Unlawful administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) or ketamine: CRS 18-13-123
  • Uniformed Controlled Substances Act of 1992, offenses and penalties: CRS 18-18-4  
  • Sentencing in criminal cases: CRS 18-1.3
Driving Under the Influence (DUI & DWAI)

Colorado Revised Statute, Title 42: Vehicles & Traffic

  • Alcohol and other drug offenses: CRS 42-4
  • Penalties & procedure: CRS 42-17

Financial Aid

Previously, students who had been convicted under federal or state law for the possession or sale of illegal drugs would be suspended from Title IV (federal) aid eligibility if the offense occurred while the student was receiving Title IV aid, per the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005.

In December 2020, the Department of Education removed penalties for students with drug convictions. A drug conviction no longer results in a loss of federal student aid, however, RMCAD is still required by federal law to provide this information.

The Department of Justice may place a processing hold on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for some students who have been convicted of possession or sale of illegal drugs based on prior judgments.

To resolve the hold, a student must call the Department of Education at 202-377-3889 or email This information is also provided upon submission of the FAFSA if it is applicable to the student.

Health Risks

Alcohol abuse and drug use problems have become a national health concern. Both alcohol and drugs are chemicals, and potentially harmful to a person. The following are common health risks associated with alcohol and drug use and additional information is provided below.

  • Slowing down of brain function, judgment, alertness, coordination, and reflexes.
  • Attitude and/or behavioral changes such as uncharacteristic hostility, or increased risk-taking such as driving recklessly.
  • Alcohol taken with other drugs can intensify the drug’s effects; alter the desired effect of the drug; and cause nausea, sweating, severe headache, and convulsions. 
  • Addiction or chemical dependency.
  • Memory blackout.


The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism provides research-based information and resources on the health effects of alcohol. 

Other Drugs

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health, provides research-based information and resources on the health effects of drugs and controlled substances.


The problems associated with the abuse of alcohol and drugs are preventable and treatable. Treatment settings may vary from an individual outpatient setting to a therapeutic inpatient community. Medical attention may be necessary to address acute and chronic, mild and/or potentially fatal complications of substance abuse. 

College Resources

In order to assist students with alcohol and drug counseling, treatment, and assistance, the College provides information on available resources through the Student Affairs Department which includes the offices of Student Life and Counseling. Students are also encouraged to make an appointment with the Counseling Office to discuss treatment and additional community resources. Students may contact the Dean of Students at 720.525.7102 or the College Counselor at 303.225.8573 with questions, concerns, or the need for assistance with the aforementioned.

National Resources

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services oversees the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). In addition to providing comprehensive online information and resources, SAMHSA operates a national hotline, the Treatment Referral Routing Service (1-800-662-HELP), and an online treatment locator (find This service is free, confidential, and available 24/7/365 in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing substance use disorders. 

Authorized Events Where Alcohol May be Served

The College sponsors social, cultural, and educational programs for students as well as curricular and extracurricular field trips to events where alcohol may be served legally by the venue (community events, galleries, entertainment venues, etc.). The College requires students to adhere to College policies and state, local, and federal law. Behavior at these events which is irresponsible, or which poses a threat to the health or safety of the student or others will be subject to disciplinary action and addressed through the College’s conduct process. Additionally, faculty or staff chaperons have the authority to require students to refrain from use while participating in the event.

Disciplinary Sanctions

The College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students who violate the College policy relating to alcohol, marijuana and/or controlled substances. Violations will be addressed through the College’s conduct process. Sanctions may include but are not limited to: warning, probation, fines, loss of privileges, suspension, or expulsion and referral for prosecution. 

Violations of the College policy by employees may result in warning, termination, and referral for prosecution. The College may require the completion of a rehabilitation program as part of a disciplinary sanction. 

Failure to comply with or adhere to RMCAD imposed sanctions may result in further punitive action or intervention by law enforcement.

Biennial Review

In compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses regulations, Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design (RMCAD), performs a biennial review of the programming, policies, and enforcement of its Alcohol and Other Drugs Program (AOD Program) to determine the effectiveness and implement changes, if needed.

Parent/Guardian Notification

Federal law permits a student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to be informed regarding the student’s use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if there has been a determination by RMCAD that the student’s use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance constitutes a violation of RMCAD rule or regulation and the student is under 21 at the time of the disclosure to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s).


Gambling, for money or stakes, is not permitted on College premises or off-campus at College events. Using College-owned or -controlled technology equipment for gambling is prohibited. Students and student organizations involved in gambling-related incidents may face legal and disciplinary actions.


Smoking is prohibited in RMCAD buildings, this includes e-cigarettes and vape pens. Smoking on campus is ONLY permitted in the one designated smoking spot next to the Synagogue building, East of the student parking lot. Smoking on campus anywhere outside of the designated smoking area is prohibited. Smoking is also permitted in personal vehicles; however, no cigarette butts may be thrown on the ground in parking lots or any other part of RMCAD property. Please be sure to always dispose of all cigarette remains in an appropriate waste area.

Personal Property

Although the best possible care is taken to protect belongings, the College is not responsible for the loss, theft, damage, or misplacement of student artwork, supplies, or personal property. The Department of Safety and Security maintains a Lost and Found system within their office in the Texas Building, room 125. RMCAD community members should check for missing items there and may also utilize the Lost and Found channel in the RMCAD mobile app.

Promotional Photography

The College photographs campus activities throughout the year for publication and public relations purposes. Photographs are included in RMCAD’s definition of directory information. Students who do not wish to have their photographs published must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing.

Students furthermore agree to grant RMCAD the right to use their likeness and/or voice in RMCAD advertising or promotional pieces. Students who do not wish to have their likeness and/or voice in RMCAD advertising or promotional pieces must submit an advanced written request to the Office of Registrar located at: 1600 Pierce Street - Robinson Building, Lakewood, CO 80214.

Publicity, Posting, + Literature Distribution

All publicity, posting, and literature distribution both on campus and through officially sponsored RMCAD digital communication platforms must have approval from the Marketing Department. Physical posters for campus may be approved by the Marketing Department, Student Affairs, or the Front Desk in Texas.

All public posters/fliers (analog and digital) must be sponsored by a recognized student organization or Academic department and the name of the sponsoring organization/department must be printed/displayed. The sponsoring organization/department assumes the responsibility that all its notices will be posted and removed according to these regulations. All posters/fliers must be posted only on approved bulletin boards with thumbtacks provided.

Campus Posters/fliers

All posters/fliers must be posted only on approved bulletin boards or digital platforms with thumbtacks provided. Posters without approval will be taken down.

Notices are not to be taped or tacked on doors, mirrors, elevators, painted walls, fire escapes, windows, fences, lampposts, or trees. Distribution of handbills, newspapers, fliers, or publications not produced by RMCAD is not allowed on campus unless prior permission is given by the Campus Operations Department. Notices are not to be left on desks, on the Reception Desk counter, or affixed to vehicles parked on RMCAD premises.

Posters must adhere to reasonable design standards and cannot include pornography, obscenity, discrimination, or alcohol/drug-related content. The text must be legible. If you need assistance designing a poster, contact the Student Affairs Department.

Posters will be displayed on a first-come first serve basis. If there is no room to display your poster, you may replace another poster only if the event has already passed. All notices must be removed by the posting organization/department within 24 hours after a scheduled event, except for weekend events. In the case of a weekend event, the notices must be removed by 5 pm on Monday.

Only one poster may be used to advertise a single event on each bulletin board.

Posters/fliers advertising rooms/apartments/houses for rent are only allowed on the “Student Housing” bulletin board on the second floor of Texas. Contact the Office of Student Affairs for approved advertising methods.

No outside vendors, companies, organizations, or agencies may post fliers or posters on the bulletin boards unless they get the poster approved and it is hung on the designated “Community” boards on the second or basement floors of Texas.

Posters/fliers advertising items for sale are not allowed unless they are approved and posted on the designated “Buy, Sell, Trade” board on the second floor of Texas.

Posters/fliers should be neatly arranged and evenly distributed across the board. Never cover or obstruct any current materials that are already hanging, and please do not allow your poster to hang over the edge of the bulletin board.

Invitations to Public Figures Policy

Students and employees desiring to invite an individual, considered to be a public figure, to campus should first seek approval from the Dean’s Office by submitting an Invitation to Public Figure Request Form. A public figure is a well-known person such as a politician, celebrity, social media personality, or business leader with demonstrated, or desired, influence on society.

Invitations to Public Figures Procedure

  • Upon receipt of the request form, or notification of a public figure by event form process submission, the Dean’s Office makes a recommendation to the College President.
  • If approval is granted by the President, the RMCAD executive team is made aware.
  • The Dean’s Office informs the student or employee of the decision and of any related conditions for the visit within 48 hours of the receipt of the request form.


In order to preserve the integrity and enhance the mission of the College, this policy has been developed to clarify and provide guidelines for any activities that may be interpreted as a solicitation on campus.

As used in this catalog, solicitation is defined as any form of communication or distribution of material that is a request to buy, sell or rent anything; a request for a gift or contribution; any form of political campaigning; or an appeal to support or join an organization other than an officially recognized College organization.

Officially recognized College organizations include those that have been approved by the Student Leadership Alliance (SLA); those that are a department within the College; the Alumni Association; the Philip J. Steele Arts Education Foundation; and those professional organizations that are recognized and supported by a specific academic department. Only officially recognized College organizations may solicit on campus for causes that advance the mission of the College as a whole, support their own activities, or support specific charitable community events. All solicitation materials must be approved by the Marketing Department and clearly indicate which officially recognized College organization is supporting that cause or event.

Organizations with a mission and purpose related to the visual or performing arts may request that their events be advertised at RMCAD. The event must be related to and support education in the arts.

Members of the campus community may request that items that they have for sale, lease, or rent be advertised only on specific College bulletin boards designated for this purpose.

The College reserves the right to monitor and remove postings or other forms of solicitation which do not comply with the parameters listed here, or at the discretion of the marketing department.

Student Expression

RMCAD values and upholds the principle of freedom of speech as an essential component of artistic expression. We recognize that artistic works can serve as powerful tools for communication, exploration, and commentary on various social, political, and cultural issues. As such, we strive to create an environment that encourages open dialogue, diverse perspectives, and the exploration of challenging ideas through creative work.

While we embrace the freedom of speech, we also recognize the importance of maintaining an inclusive and respectful community. Therefore, at RMCAD, we emphasize the importance of artistic expressions that invite participation by others both within and outside the RMCAD community. This means that while artists are encouraged to explore and challenge societal norms, they should do so in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others. 

RMCAD representatives (such as chairs, faculty, committee members of exhibitions, and galleries directors) also reserve the right to remove any artwork or posters containing hate speech, discriminatory language, defamation, obscene material, material that instigates violence, copyrighted material, or material that encourages illegal activities.


RMCAD, as an educational institution, strongly supports the tenets of free speech by all members of the College community. Students are free to express opinions publicly and privately so long as the expression does not disrupt classes, special events, or other normal functions of the College and surrounding community. RMCAD strives to promote intellectual and artistic inquiry and exchange in a respectful and civil manner. The safety of all demonstration participants, College community members, and other involved persons is of the utmost importance.

Students may not demonstrate during any special events, including but not limited to Student Activities, On Campus Exhibitions, Student Organization Events, and other College Community or Academic Events. Demonstrators may not threaten or inflict harm or violence to themselves or others; may not make personal physical, verbal, or emotional attacks on members of the RMCAD community; and may not conceal their identity. Demonstrations may not inflict damage to College or personal property. Participation is limited only to current members of the RMCAD community.

When expected participation exceeds 20 people, the demonstration organizers are responsible for notifying the Dean of Students in advance so that appropriate safety precautions can be taken.

Art, Installations, + Performance Art in Public Space

The RMCAD campus is comprised of three types of spaces, each with a corresponding coordinator. Gallery spaces are overseen by the Gallery Director. Public spaces are overseen by the Campus Operations and Facilities Departments. Classroom and classroom-adjacent spaces are overseen by Academic Affairs. 

Public space is defined as any space on the RMCAD campus - inside or outside of buildings - that is not identified as a classroom, student studio, office space, or gallery. This includes, but is not limited to, hallways not designated for a specific department; space within buildings not designated for classes, restrooms, lounges, fields, and grounds; building exteriors; the Café; the network and shared computer systems; and parking lots.

All interior and exterior installations that are not part of a RMCAD class, or installations or art that may be placed on buildings or the grounds, must be approved by the Student Installation Committee via the Student Installation Application process (see below… “Student Installations for Public Spaces”).

Student work that is created in or for a RMCAD class should be approved by the faculty before being displayed or installed in the classroom. 

If the relevant coordinator (Gallery, Operations, or Academic Affairs) determines that the work to be displayed may be potentially triggering to some in our diverse community, a placard will be posted to alert community members so that potential viewers can make an informed decision as to whether they engage with the work (See Below “Advisory Banner”). 

Advisory Banner 

RMCAD is deeply committed to safeguarding and promoting freedom of expression. We recognize the privilege of living in a country where creating and expressing yourself and exhibiting is a constitutional right.   

The works this institution exhibits may contain a wide range of artistic styles, topics, and content that may provoke different feelings and reactions, challenge societal norms, or offend. We invite you to embrace the opportunity to engage with different perspectives, beliefs, and experiences. Be aware that the artwork with which you engage may be challenging in some way, potentially including sexual, profane, or violent imagery. You are encouraged to engage with the work, but it is your choice to do so. If you have any concerns or questions, our Academic  + Faculty Affairs Coordinator ( can assist and facilitate discussions.   

Student Installations for Public Spaces:

  • All proposed installations must have a faculty sponsor. Students will discuss the project with a faculty member that would agree to be a point person involved that potentially can help with logistics, troubleshooting, and installation.
  • As part of the application form, a complete application must include an image or sketch.
  • Evaluation of the applications includes health issues, safety issues, the potential for property or environmental damage, building, fire, ADA, catalog codes, and any other relevant local, state, or federal law or regulation.
  • The piece must be removed by the date approved. The space is to be restored in as good, or better condition than you found it. Pieces left after the indicated end date may be considered abandoned and discarded by maintenance and the student may be billed for time and materials.
  • Students must allow for up to two weeks to process their display application. The following is the process step by step: 
  • Obtain faculty sponsorship and approval. 
  • Submit the Student Display Application Form 
  • You may be contacted via email if any questions or conflicts come up in the examination of your proposal application. 
  • Once your proposal is approved by the committee, you and your faculty sponsor will receive an email of acceptance with installation and de-installation dates. 
  • Install your art! 

RMCAD Campus External Events and Activities Policies + Procedures

RMCAD Events and Activities

RMCAD campus events are activities designed for the benefit and enjoyment of the RMCAD campus community and are held on the RMCAD campus.

All events and activities (not on the Annual Calendar) planned to take place out-of-doors on campus, or within a campus building, must be approved in advance by the employee’s Departmental Manager, who, upon approval, will notify the Events Coordinator, who, in turn, will coordinate with the Director of Campus Security, the Director of Information Technology, the contracted caterer, and the Director of Facilities.

A RMCAD Department (or Office) and/or Recognized Student Organization must sponsor all events and activities.

Requests must be submitted, using the RMCAD Event Request Form, at least 14 days before the start of the event so that appropriate offices can be informed. Events should serve RMCAD students, faculty or staff and may be rejected based on insufficient notice or schedule conflicts with other events. If alcohol will be served at an event, additional policies apply and the Alcohol Approval Form must be completed. See the RMCAD Alcohol Policy.

Additional information may be requested from the sponsor about the proposed event. Event organizers must be present for the duration of the event. Event planners should dispose of food and be respectful of campus facilities and space.

RMCAD exercises its right to deny individuals access to all or some College property, normally after an individualized determination has been made that a person(s) has engaged in criminal activity, suspicious activity, or behavior that is or is likely to be threatening, violent or disruptive to campus operations and activities.

Non-affiliated Group Events and Sponsorship

RMCAD departments or offices may sponsor non-affiliated organizations seeking to hold events at RMCAD. Nonprofit community organizations, public and civic organizations, political organizations, and governmental organizations must be approved in advance by members of the Executive Team, who, upon approval, will notify the Manager of Campus Security.

Non-affiliated groups must submit requests at least 30 days in advance of the event.

In order for a non-affiliated organization to gain access to RMCAD facilities, there should be a significant College interest in hosting the event. There should also be a strong nexus between the event the non-affiliated organization wishes to hold at RMCAD and the educational mission of the College or its standing as a member of the community.

In addition, the non-affiliated organization must agree to comply with all of the College’s standard terms and conditions including the RMCAD Alcohol Policy.

A non-affiliated event sponsor is the primary planner or contact for the event and accepts full responsibility for all stages of planning and execution of the event. In addition, the sponsoring department/office must have a strong presence at the event and, when necessary, take fiscal responsibility for event costs.

The sponsoring department or office is expected to approve all advertising for the event. Event sponsors may not transfer a reservation to another organization, nor may space reserved for an approved program be used for another purpose.


Prior to the event, the sponsored organization shall provide the college with evidence of insurance as required by the RMCAD Event Request Form and Agreement. This evidence should include workers’ compensation coverage for a performer or vendor’s employees (if any) to the extent required by law and general liability insurance.

The performer or vendor’s general liability insurance should cover claims for property damage and/or bodily injury that may arise from the performer or sponsored organization’s operations in connection with the event, including injuries to spectators and participants at the event, and shall name the sponsoring club/related entity, college, university. If the performer or sponsored organization does not have insurance, the college may waive insurance as set forth in the Insurance Waivers section, below.

The amount of liability insurance required depends on the risks involved. A lecture expected to attract under 50 people is low risk and $500,000 may be sufficient. An outdoor event, with vendor-provided attractions, has a much higher risk and limits in the $2,000,000 (two million dollars) to $5,000,000 (five million dollars) range may be appropriate.

For most lectures, performances, music recitals, etc., $1,000,000 (one million dollars) per occurrence and $2,000,000 (two million dollars) aggregate is usually adequate. All external vendors are required to maintain $500,000 in worker’s compensation/employer’s liability coverage at a minimum.

RMCAD Call Monitoring Statement

RMCAD strives to maintain the highest quality of customer service while fielding calls to provide assistance to the College community. During the course of ordinary business, calls on customer service lines may be monitored or recorded for staff training purposes. In addition, call recordings may be used in the resolution of disputes and for safety and security matters.

RMCAD Class + Event Recording Policy

Recordings can serve many legitimate academic and workplace purposes. However, it is expected that faculty, students, and staff will respect the privacy of other individuals in the workplace and educational setting. Consequently, the secret recording (audio or video) of classes, meetings, or other conversations is prohibited. Students who violate this policy will be subject to the Code of Conduct  policy.

Classes may be recorded only by the professor. Professors must notify students prior to making such recordings.  This notification should be made verbally at the beginning of a class, meeting, or event before the recording begins and if possible repeated when the recording starts so there is a record of the notification in the recording itself. 

Students with an approved reason may request that the professor record a class.  Reasons students may request such recordings include as an official accommodation for a disability, due to an excused absence (for example, illness, family illness, etc.), or for other reasons approved by the professor.  Professors should not identify the student who has obtained such accommodation as it is essential to protect individual privacy.

Nothing in this policy is intended to alter a professor’s copyright or other intellectual property rights in instructional material, including those resources created specifically for the purposes of instruction, such as syllabi, lectures and lecture notes, and presentations. (Please see the Curriculum Ownership policy, 3.1.1, found in the Academic Affairs Handbook, Resource Hub - Academic Affairs Handbook (

Employees are also prohibited from arranging for others to record work or educational activities for reasons other than those set forth above unless specifically permitted by all participants in writing. Specifically, if an employee seeks to record a meeting or private event for the purposes of publishing it online or in a media forum, the employee must first obtain the informed consent of all participants in writing.

Please note that this policy does not supersede the recording policies that may be in effect at public events (such as speakers, concerts, sporting events, musical, artistic, or dramatic events).  Such events may have their own policies on the use of audio or video recording (including photography). 

Note that this policy does not cover the use of surveillance cameras/equipment and software by authorized campus personnel.  Surveillance cameras/equipment and software may be placed on campus by authorized campus personnel in accordance with applicable law to prevent or deter crimes, protect public safety, and facilitate official investigations into criminal activity or violations of campus policy.