Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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IDSD 4886 - Capstone Project Part II

Credits: 3
Course Type: Studio

In the second of the three-part senior project sequence, students develop and present a comprehensive design project of individual interest in this course. Emphasis is on the application of research completed in the Design Research course to a commercial project that entails all aspects of skill, knowledge, and creative problem-solving acquired to date. The project must meet the program’s guidelines and departmental approval. As part of the Sustainable Design Specialization, coursework must be completed using the sustainable knowledge and strategies obtained to date. Upon successful completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to complete a comprehensive design project illustrating all of their skills and knowledge as pre-professionals while taking ownership of their individual vision as designers.

Prerequisites: IDSD 4885 - Capstone Project Part I  

Corequisites: IDSD 4250 - Sustainable Design Senior Portfolio Review  or ID 4000 - Interior Design Senior Portfolio Review  

Notes: (Formerly IDSD 4882 Senior Project Part II: Sustainable Design Project, IDSD 4990 Senior Design Project - Sustainable Design)


Course Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand that human and environmental conditions vary according to geographic location and impact design and construction decisions.
  • Understand how social, economic, cultural, and physical contexts inform interior design.
  • Understand how systems thinking informs the practice of interior design.
  • Recognize current and relevant events that are shaping contemporary society and the world.
  • Understand the terminology and language necessary to communicate effectively with members of allied disciplines.
  • Define the breadth and depth of interior design’s impact and value.
  • Understand the relationship between the natural, built, virtual, and technological environments as they relate to the human experience, well-being, behavior, and performance.
  • Apply human factors, ergonomics, and universal design principles to design solutions.
  • Apply way-finding techniques to design solutions.
  • Apply space planning techniques throughout the design process.
  • Apply knowledge and skills learned to solve progressively complex design problems.
  • Apply knowledge and skills learned to identify and define issues relevant to the design problem.
  • Apply knowledge and skills learned to execute the design process: pre-design, schematic design, and design development.
  • Apply knowledge and skills learned to synthesize information to generate evidence-based design solutions.
  • Apply knowledge and skills learned to design original and creative solutions.
  • Apply knowledge and skills learned to execute the design process: pre-design, quantitative and qualitative programming, schematic design, and design development.
  • Understand the importance of evaluating the relevance and reliability of information and research impacting design solutions.
  • Recognize a range of problem identification and problem-solving methods.
  • Recognize innovation and risk-taking.
  • Effectively interpret and communicate data and research.
  • Effectively express ideas and their rationale in oral communication.
  • Effectively express ideas and their rationale in written communication.
  • Effectively express ideas developed in the design process through visual media: ideation drawings and sketches.
  • Effectively express project solutions using a variety of visual communication techniques and technologies appropriate to a range of purposes and audiences.
  • Recognize evolving communication technologies.
  • Demonstrate active listening skills in the context of professional collaboration.
  • Understand the basic context and framework of history as it relates to Interior Design.
  • Understand the basic context and framework of history as it relates to furniture, decorative arts, and material culture
  • Apply knowledge and skills learned to explore and iterate multiple ideas.
  • Understand the basic context and framework of history as it relates to architecture.
  • Understand the basic context and framework of history as it relates to art.
  • Understand the elements and principles of design, including spatial definition and organization.
  • Demonstrate the ability to explore a range of two- and three-dimensional design solutions using a variety of media.
  • Effectively apply the elements and principles of design and related theories throughout the interior design curriculum to two-dimensional design solutions.
  • Effectively apply the elements and principles of design and related theories throughout the interior design curriculum to three-dimensional design solutions.
  • Recognize the environmental impact of illumination strategies and decisions.
  • Understand the principles of natural and artificial lighting design.
  • Understand strategies for using and modulating natural light.
  • Competently select and apply luminaires and light sources.
  • Understand color principles, theories, and systems.
  • Understand how furnishings, objects, materials, and finishes work together to support the design intent.
  • Understand typical fabrication, installation methods, and maintenance requirements.
  • Understand appropriate design or specification of products and materials in relation to project criteria and human and environmental well-being.

IDSD4886 Course Learning Outcomes Rubric   

Required Textbooks:
Interior Designer’s Portable Handbook, 3rd Edition - ISBN: 9780071782067
Required Course Materials:

  • Roll of Trash/trace paper (“bum wad”)
  • Digital Camera
  • Drawing media (pens. Pencils, sharpies)
  • Scale
  • Basic drafting equipment and /or AutoCAD/Revit

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