Sep 21, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PH 3775 - Night Photography

Credits: 3

This class will focus on making images at night and in low-light situations through the use of long exposures and image stacking. Students in this course will create elaborate pre-visualized night images incorporating light painting in populated areas, as well as exploring the night sky away from the light pollution of our urban environment. Astrophotography, planning for movement in the night sky, working in teams over large spaces with no visual contact, and specialized equipment are explained in this course.

Prerequisites: PH 3450 - Advanced Digital Imaging  

Course Learning Outcomes:
  • Demonstrate a broader understanding of, and appreciation for, the field of Astronomy and Meteorology through the creation of detailed plans for night photography expeditions.
  • Evaluate low-light scenes and make the appropriate technical choices to capture images that contain a full range of tones and low noise levels.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of light-painting through the creation of images using long exposures in low-light.
  • Create a portfolio of images using long exposures in low-light that express a cohesive concept or narrative using one visual style.

PH 3775 Course Learning Outcome Rubric   

Required Textbooks:
Night Photography and Light Painting: Finding Your Way in the Dark, L. Keimig, Focal Point, 2015, ISBN: 0415718988
Required Course Materials:

  • Entry-level DSLR or MILC Camera with appropriate memory cards & batteries
  • Camera Bag
  • Tripod
  • External Hard Drive (1TB or Larger)
  •  Intervalometer cable/remote release for camera shutter (needed by Week 3)
  • Small flashlights (for light painting)

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